MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland There will always be divided opinions over extreme situations like the one facing us at the moment, but I don’t believe that the official line
News / Politics
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland All governments need a strong opposition to keep them “honest”, and a free society needs to have confidence in the governing party being held to
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland At one minute after 10.00pm, the news channels broadcast the exit polls from the election. Exit polls are notoriously unreliable, and this one shows a
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland If nothing else, this election has shown us the true faces of the political leaders in the UK. I always find it interesting to see
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Since the terrorist attack in London, politicians have held back from attacking each other until
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Picking up from my last piece, last night (26th) it was the turn of Jeremy
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland So the starting gun has been fired and the insanity has begun. Politicians have already
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Over the last few months I have been meaning to write something on Donald Trump.
MICHAEL J BLAIR Perthshire, Scotland Having seen the disgusting mess left in the wake of the recent climate change protest