Olympic Uniform Controversy: Ralph Lauren Should Be Treated Like the Town Leper
Los Angeles
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Dear Dirty…China? |
You know your nation’s imploded when your team of Olympic athletes wears uniforms made by the labor of another competing country. In fact, Dear Dirty America couldn’t even come up with that kind of absurd satire. It wouldn’t be believable. The US Olympic team wearing uniforms made in China?
The underlying issue is really that we don’t have an American Camp. There are no inherent Americans. There are only rumors of prosperity, dollars, and heritages.
The White House doesn’t agree. Spokesman Josh Earnest very enthusiastically condoned the use of China-made uniforms used by America’s young athletes competing in the upcoming London Olympics. From a Reliable Source:
Earnest said the administration doesn’t want the uniform controversy to “distract from the story of young Americans…who spent a good portion of their lives preparing to compete on the international stage.”
Well, it’s going to distract from their achievements, you over eager toad. It’s going to muddle the grand story. We’ve got a country so far buried in long-term unemployment, with no hope of good news on the horizon. The jobs reports for the past three months have been dismal. This isn’t a game. People’s lives, social statuses, and families have been ruined. The economy’s sluggish “recovery” is slowing even further. Yet, the White House spokesman is twaddling about outsourced American jobs not distracting the achievements of young Olympic heroes?
I wouldn’t mind outsourcing White House spokesman jobs to China. Send Earnest and Jay Carney to China, for all I care. A Chinaman would be just as enthused about the Ralph Lauren designed Olympics uniforms as Josh Earnest, and couldn’t make a better case for using China’s labor to adorn America’s top athletes.
I’m glad this controversy has come to light so close to the Olympics. I hope every American squawks about it, and condemns Ralph Lauren, and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) for highlighting the treasonous act of sending American jobs overseas.
It is treason. The massive act of outsourcing a multitude of various American jobs more effectively brings our economy to its knees far easier than any terrorist threat. If you take the paychecks out of the hands of millions of us, you severely disturb the flow of tax revenue coming into the United States governments and municipalities. That creates public sector layoffs. Fewer dollars spent. The Capitalist machine loses steam. You instantly slow spending, and the private sectors clam up. Austerity measures must be introduced because of less tax revenue. More jobs are cut.
A few militant-styled US Olympic team uniforms aren’t going to collapse the economy, but it is the damaged heart and terrified soul of the situation. The news of China-made uniforms that has enraged so many Americans is the perfect microcosm of what is going on in this country. Sports and entertainment over the real issues.
Ralph Lauren should be ashamed of its company, and Americans have the right to be hateful and spiteful toward it. Red blooded Americans are kicking up a dust storm over this. I’ve already heard diabolical speeches from local citizens proposing that we treat Ralph Lauren and the USOC as hostilely as Town Lepers by throwing them outside the walls of our civilization. Like this:
2 Command the Israelites that they put outside the camp every leper and everyone who has a discharge, and whoever is defiled….3 Both male and female you shall put out; without the camp you shall put them, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell.
Or like Simon. Plagued with bodily sores and a perpetually hoarse voice. A poor, emaciated man. And contagious as hell. Perhaps that’s archaic of me, to report the badmouthing Americans excoriating Ralph Lauren and his troupe as a team of lepers, or casting the US Olympic Committee into the wilderness so as not to further defile our nation. But outsourcing American jobs is disgraceful and should be seized upon like a foul discharge.
Look at the suffering in this country. Look at the Baby Boomer generation, having lost their pensions and retirement funds. Old people toiling at McDonald’s and receiving wages meant for high school kids or dropouts. Now those kids can’t even earn money in the summer. Look at the families in this nation who have lost their homes because they lost their jobs when the factories and plants closed up.
Look at the younger generation, year after year the scores of bright students graduating from colleges around the country with very little hope of landing a good, Middle Class job to pay down their student debt, to buy a home, to start a family. To have health insurance. Consider the single mothers with children who have overwhelmed homeless shelters across the nation because they lost their minimum wage jobs. It’s a horror show out there, because of companies like Ralph Lauren, who have no allegiance to the American camp.
I can’t help it if millions of Americans are frothing at the mouth and lusting after the chance to stone these traitorous fools. It’s how people feel about it.
The pride of the American Dream has always been wrapped up in events like the Olympics and the televised invasions of other countries. Nothing gets our nation riled up more than seeing our men and women compete (whether in sport or war) across the globe. Yet, we clad them in clothes made in China? A country that has taken probably hundreds of thousands of American jobs, thanks to people like Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of General Electric. Immelt now serves as the Obama Administration’s ‘outside economic adviser’, so he can better instruct the White House on how to more efficiently send American jobs overseas.
Maybe I am being too barbarous mentioning these old-styled Biblical tactics, like casting away unwanted members of society, like lepers. It’s because I lower myself into the same cesspool where the US Olympics Committee and corporations like Ralph Lauren feed off the American Energy, and sap us of our strength. I dip into the negative vibrations of our national soul, and from that region spurt forth these awful medieval ideas of destruction and redemption that are floating among the commoners. You have to get dirty to deal with these people.
But really, this country should be angry as hell at the White House, at Wall Street, at the mega banks, at the multi-national corporations, at the CEOs who take hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer bailouts, only to ship our jobs overseas.
It’s a swindle. A scandal. I don’t see any solutions other than a massive conscious awakening by the American People, and we collectively boot these bastards out of town. But how? We don’t even have a proper camp. We are too many, too diverse, and too scattered to care more about our neighbors than making money or winning the lottery.
Maybe the Olympics is a wake up jab. Somebody suggested the athletes compete naked until their American-made uniforms arrive. Why should every achievement by America’s top athletes be clothed in an insulting victory for China?
Our athletes should have bodies pleasant enough to shed their clothes without too many complaints. They should be sculpted like the ancient Greek heroes, so I can’t imagine any shame in competing without Chinese threads.
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