Katy Perry Wants You to Join the Marines
Los Angeles
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Credit: nikotransmission |
Maybe I’ll call this the ‘end of civilization’ series, and focus on the filth flowing out of the over-sized mainstream media spigot. If I could turn the god forsaken cock to reduce the stream of feculence to a trickle, I would. Anything to save this society from the horror and stench of which it’s drenched.
One particularly impressive turd of propaganda dropping from the pipe comes from everybody’s favorite girl next door, Katy Perry, and it’s called “Part of Me”. You can watch the video below, but I recommend you don’t, because it’s trashy and insulting to any thinking human being, and I wouldn’t want you to lose sleep tonight.
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A close friend of mine tipped me off about Perry’s video. He said, “I know you don’t watch that garbage, but you should really see it so you can see what’s brewing out there.” He’s a trusted source and confidante, so I watched the video, and I’m glad he pointed it out.
The video starts like any other cheesy worthless pop garbage music video, where the singer, Perry, is heartbroken to find her man a little to close to another girl. That’s the trope to pull at the watcher’s heart strings. The song swelling in the background like a hemorrhoid is meant to instill an angry sadness, and for those who don’t know any better and casually fall victim to their own gratuitous emotional responses just by reading books or listening to cheap music, Perry’s opening video sequence will do the trick and reel you in.
That’s why it’s dangerous for a society too loaded on fats and sugars and prescription mood enhancers. Once the audience is primed, the video shows everybody’s favorite home girl join the Marines. She sees an official Marines sticker at a gas station pin board. Out of anger, confusion, and sadness, she instantly finds internal strength in the Corps, where she’ll no doubt be subject to far worse treatment from dominant personality males, and females. Like gang rape and unapologetic sexual assault.
But none of that can be seen on Perry’s face. She cuts her hair, goes to boot camp, has to wake up early in the morning, gets yelled at by an angry female drill sergeant, and then the chorus hits. And, again, for those jerked along by their emotional heartstrings, the message comes through loud and clear. If you’ve been hurt, join the military, get empowered, become strong, and then dance around in your uniform during the chorus and sing your jubilation at the top of your lungs while your hardcore comrades dance behind you.
That couldn’t be further from the truth about joining the Marine Corps. I’ve talked to Marines, and I’ve listened to military men and women being interviewed. The Army, the Marines, the Navy, and so on, are not nice friendly institutions with wide open loving arms ready to comfort the mildly distressed in our society. These are brutal, cutthroat organizations that are not in existence to hold hands through break ups and heartbreaks.
A rather touching segment of the video shows a memory of Perry with her cheap boyfriend at the carnival shooting water guns. Both are competitively blasting monkeys’ faces. The next clip shows Perry with a very real machine gun, and we hear the blast through the tinny electronic music as she perfects her aim at a target. Maybe, once she gets into actual combat, she can unleash her frustration on a village of Afghan women and children after going nuts from PTSD. It’s nothing a little medication can’t fix. And she could mentally superimpose her old boyfriend’s face on the faces of elderly Afghan farmers, and shoot away.
I could go on and on, but you get the point. This isn’t a simplistic, brain dead music video (well, it is, but…), it’s blatant propaganda, and it’s using one of our more glorified pop stars to hammer home the idea of how cool and satisfying it is to join the Marines. As the Corp ad says in the video, ALL WOMEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, THEN SOME OF THEM JOIN THE MARINES. Great message, Perry. Stumble head first into a military where you will be anything but equal. You will become a lab rat. A guinea pig. And you will be used to kill. It’s not about defending the country anymore.
This isn’t to say the Marines are bad. We need a strong, standing military presence to defend this country, and if men and women are willing to risk mind and body doing so, they are heroes. But only in defense. When our military has been used to terrorize peoples in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and maybe soon-to-be Iran, and who knows where else, the call from a pop star to join the Marines is vicious and out of line.
While Katy Perry enjoys her millions of dollars while sitting in the perfect southern California weather, she tries to inspire millions of wayward young women to join a corps that admittedly tests risky drugs on their soldiers. Sends them into dangerous and awful situations. Forces them to invade countries for the interests of war profiteers. Dishonorably discharges them when they criticize the president for his unlawful orders. Serves a Pentagon that repeatedly lies and spins the truth and covers up the death of its own star fighters, like Pat Tillman.
I hate to use the ‘f’ word, but it seems like a fascist nation that would use a hot music star to team up with its Marine Corps to promote a pathetically see-through message to tens of millions of fans.
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