War is Peace: 20 US Soldiers Implicated in Afghanistan Massacre
Los Angeles
War is peace, truly. Sec of Defense Leon Panetta had US soldiers disarm while he spoke to them. Amid rising tensions, is the justification for that “highly unusual move”, as the media is calling it. NATO claims one US soldier murdered 16 Afghani people by himself (most of the women and children).
And now an Afghan parliamentary investigation finds the massacre to have been carried out by up to 20 US soldiers. The cheery report is explained:
An Afghan parliamentary investigation team has implicated up to 20 US troops in the massacre of 16 civilians in Kandahar early on Sunday morning. It contradicts NATO’s account that insists one rogue soldier was behind the slaughter.The team of Afghan lawmakers has spent two days collating reports from witnesses, survivors and inhabitants of the villages where the tragedy took place.“We are convinced that one soldier cannot kill so many people in two villages within one hour at the same time, and the 16 civilians, most of them children and women, have been killed by the two groups,” investigator Hamizai Lali told Afghan News.
Yet, it’s still shocking to find that many parts of the world hate America. Rick Santorum can’t figure out why. Must be because we’re exceptional. Exceptional at terrorizing countries all around the world. Exceptional at destroying marketplaces and mosques, neighborhoods and families.
Murdering 16 women and children? Pres Obama apologized. Kind of like when we accidentally bombed 24 Pakistani soldiers, or NATO helicopters gunned down nine Afghani boys picking up firewood. These are exceptional accidents.
The best we can do is speak out and rally our fellow citizens against this terrorism against the Middle East being inflicted by our rogue government. Listen closely, and you’ll hear your president tell you, War is Peace. You’ll hear Leon Panetta saying it, and John McCain. Chastize them, turn your backs to them.
Real Americans don’t want invasions launched against Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, and Uganda. Most Americans are not down with this government hijacked by big money, big capital, and transnational corporations and foreign banks.
Our military is being used by foreign banking cartels. They’re being paraded around the world to slaughter and be slaughtered, carrying out a few madmen’s blueprints for more money, and more power. Well, fuck that.
Ultimately, America’s plight, and the world’s, might come down to our military saying, No more. We won’t arrest US citizens for indefinite detainment. We won’t get involved in an unconstitutional war in Syria. We won’t invade Africa looking for some shadow bogeyman named Joseph Kony. We won’t attack Iran.
See also:
Why Kony 2012 is Bullshit
Impeachment Against Obama Has Begun?
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