A Helicopter "Accident" for Evo Morales & Hugo Chavez
Los Angeles
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Credit: Joel Alvarez |
In an email (exposed by WikiLeaks) to Stratfor’s Vice President Fred Burton, Korena Zucha wrote about how the left-leaning American media glorifies Evo Morales, how Sean Penn hates himself, and why speaking out against Coca Cola is anti-American. I would summarize it for you, but the email in its raw form is priceless:
…His [Evo Morales] rhetoric is anti-US and anti-Capitalism, so he is the darling to the ultra-left and self-hating US citizens (Danny Glover, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, etc.) He is destroying Bolivia like [Hugo] Chavez is destroying Venezuela. However, there are now chinks in his armor. His recent hypocrisy was to dispatch his Minister of Finance last week to the US to engage those ‘evil capitalists’ there to invest in Bolivia. And, this was only a few days after he lashed out (ala MO of Fidel Castro) on the evils of capitalism and how the US was responsible for everything bad in the world…. If George W. Bush made a stupid statement like his genetically modified chicken (and drinking Coca Cola, consuming Alka Shelzer, both were made in his diatribes but omitted by the media), the MSM (CNN, MSBNC, et all) would beat this Bush statement to death. You hear nothing from them when idiots like Chavez and Evo speak. This media bias is the double standard the left-leaning MSM media is guilty of. If they were doing their job, instead of being coconspirators in their liberal politics, FoxNews would not be needed to balance out objectivity. Finally the nomination of Evo for the Nobel Peace Prize was just formally accepted yesterday as a result for his “Mother Earth” Summit [aka, vehement anti-US, anti-Capitalism (specifically targeting Coca Cola), anti-UN, pro-coca (sic cocaine) and narco trafficking platform that was embraced by 22,000 anti-US, left-wing anarchists in attendance] as a result of the recent Climate Change Summit in Cochabamba.
Fred Burton curtly responds:
Back in the day, we would have been planning his (and Chavez’s) helicopter “accident.” Guess I’m getting old, I think its best to keep these lads around for comic relief. Evo and Chevez belong in the US Congress and could probably get elected.
This is deplorable. Sure, Burton could be joking about helping take out other countries’ leaders by way of tragic accident, and he surely is making light of it with his “back in the day” comment, but even if Burton is writing his response in jest, we know the proposition is not far-fetched when it comes to CIA activity in South America–toppling dictators by staging coups, for example, and then replacing them with U.S.-puppet dictators.
See, the CIA’s Fake Arab Spring and Mass Uprising Defeats CIA Coup in Venezuela
Helicopter “accidents” and all comedy aside, watch the same Fred Burton stuff fear down your throat with his “security for your family”, and “look behind you while you’re driving in case somebody’s following you” address on YouTube:
Coca-Cola Company is perhaps the most widely recognized corporate symbol on the planet. The company also leads in the abuse of workers’ rights, assassinations, water privatization, and worker discrimination. Between 1989 and 2002, eight union leaders from Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia were killed after protesting the company’s labor practices. Hundreds of other Coca-Cola workers who have joined or considered joining the Colombian union SINALTRAINAL have been kidnapped, tortured, and detained by paramilitaries who are hired to intimidate workers to prevent them from unionizing.
This is no joke. Look it up for yourself. Coca Cola is not denigrated in the United States mainstream media, but you can find reports online that detail these abuses here, here, and here. Don’t let these “intelligence” monkeys tell you what to believe, or let them lambaste activists like Morales who do denounce global corporate thugs like Coke.
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