Dear Dirty America


Watching Religious Muslims & Destroying American Freedoms

September 25
05:57 2011

More of the same suspicious American dirtiness:

Police documents obtained by The Associated Press show how the city’s rich heritage as a place where immigrants can blend in and build their lives now clashes with today’s New York, where police see blending in as one of the first priorities for would-be terrorists. The documents describe in extraordinary detail an NYPD program to build a database of daily life, cataloguing where people ate, worked and prayed.
It started with one group, Moroccans, but the documents show police intended to build intelligence files on other ethnicities. U.S. citizens were among those subjected to surveillance.
Undercover officers snapped photographs of restaurants frequented by Moroccans, including one that was noted for serving “religious Muslims.” Police documented where Moroccans bought groceries, which hotels they visited and where they prayed. While visiting an apartment used by new Moroccan immigrants, one officer noted in his reports that he saw two Qurans and a calendar from a nearby mosque.

These are Michael Bloomberg’s thugs who have been macing quiet, peaceful female protesters who have occupied Wall Street. I know, Bloomberg welcomed the Occupy Wall Street gathering and said in his stately voice, New York City welcomes a peaceful protest. That’s what New York City will always be about.

But then he sent in his NYPD goons to destroy the tents, drag away some of the protesters and arrest at least 80 of them, and mace the females. One of these days a group of Americans is going to snap at this kind of authoritarian rule and that will be the spark that lights the dried out economic and political wasteland of this country. Desperate, furious droves of Americans will pour out of towns to reclaim the liberties they’ve lost.

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