More things in heaven and earth
August 25
Than in your stunted philosophy.
From Levitation:
In it’s rawest form, levitation can supposedly be accomplished through a number of ways. In Buddhism it is believed one can levitate himself through spiritual meditation, which involves a complete focused state of mind. In isolated areas of Asia there are apparently many accounts of this phenomena taking place.
Crossing continents to Africa and South America, many members of tribes practice magical acts, such as levitation. Unimaginable feats take place within tribal areas, and records of African inhabitants lifting themselves, along with other physical possessions, such as cows are not rare occurrences.
Did I ever tell you about the Zambian that flew? Sit down a spell and lemme spin you a yarn… Actually though, true story; local folklore held that a witch or sorcerer were able to ‘fly,’ but only in the nude, and at night.